West Central Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the Board

January 13, 2009




Board members present:


Mike Anderson

Charlotte A. Weybright

Mike Walsh

Steve Miranda

David Long

Casi Bromelmeir

Al Hofer

Cherie Stark

Chris Ruckman


Past President:  John Simerman




·                     Minutes from meeting of  December 2008, accepted and approved

·                     Treasurer’s Report:  accepted and approved

·                     Membership: 10 Seniors, 41 individuals, 5 organizations, 8 businesses

o       Dues to date - $1345

·                     House and Garden Tour:  Excellent turnout



·                     1134 Nelson

o       Real estate deal has fallen through

·         A new realtor became involved which has complicated the process

·         Mike’s wife is to show on Thursday, January 15, 2009

o       Mike Walsh suggests talking to City about CHDO process


·                     LHD

o       Hold additional meeting once weather is nicer

o       Inform media


·                     Emmanual Lutheran revitalization project

o       A project summary was handed out

·                     Traffic Study

o       Put on hold for now

o       David will invite Shan Gunawardena to speak at the February general meeting

·                     Neighborhood Stabilization Grant

o       Focus on homes in foreclosure

·         $7,000,000 to come from government – 20% to demolition; 20% to acquisition; 20% to rehabilitation; and, 40% spendable



·                     Notification of Demolition

o       Scott Greider made suggestion that someone in West Central be notified of demolition efforts as the City undertakes them

o       Suggestion is that if any building within the West Central Association boundaries is to be demolished, then City should notify “go to” person

o       That person would then email members

o       M. Walsh makes a motion to ask for notification

o       J. Simerman seconds

o       Motion passes

·                     CHDO Committee

o       Discussion as to establishing a separate CHDO board especially if we intend to continue with CHDO projects

o       CHDO needs to have more input and more activity

·                     Other

o       David will make email list so that members can be apprised of news and happenings

o       Suggestion was made to attend a Tin Caps game as a West Central group to show support


Meeting adjourned


Respectfully submitted:





Charlotte A. Weybright, Secretary

West Central Neighborhood Association