West Central Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the Board

January 12, 2010


ATTENDEES:   John Simerman, Chris Ruckman, David Long, Cherie Stark, Charlotte Weybright, Susan Smethers, Casi Bromelmeier, Make Walsh, Mike Anderson       





·         Minutes:  December 2009 Board Meeting – entered and accepted

·         Treasury:  entered and accepted

o        Profit & Loss Statement: Jan – December 2009

§         Preliminary report without accountant adjustments

§         Before refund developer fee and taxes had $560.00 profit for the year showing year to date.

o        Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2009


·         Membership: 45 memberships to date; ¼ of last year’s membership so far.  Membership forms will be available at the January Association Meeting.  Window cards? – Cherie does not have them; Casi & Cherie will look for them. 

·         Plan Committee

o        1000 Broadway Rezoning recap of discussions

o        Committee wants Board member to attend next Planning Meeting.

o        See ‘New Business’ section for additional discussion after committee update.

·         Tour Committee

o        Next month will be first meeting. February 23rd; 7 p.m. at Soups, Salads & Spirits on Calhoun Street.

o        DID (Downtown Improvement District) nominated Art Fest for their 2009 “Best Event” Award – January 20th; 6:00 p.m. award ceremony.

§         Specifically ask Ben, Steve and/or Chris to accept.  David will reach out to Ben & Steve.  Any of those 3 who attend; will accept.

§         Will have a DIDD member on Tour Committee for 2010.



·         CHDO Projects

o        1220 Stophlet Street. - is already on our Section 42 list; we would consider releasing it.  Sound basement but more of a project to overhaul.

·         May help with our historic district initiatives for that part of neighborhood. 

·         Owned by the county.

·         What are options outside of CHODO to stabilize and sell on market? Completing restoration is much more work than just stabilizing:  gutters, roof, chimney

o        825 W. Washington Blvd.; working with Heather from the city (city owns it).  May be another option.  Some restrictions on property size; good price.

o        Board need to determine if we want to propose another CHODO project.  Will look to find another expert in field. John to reach out to Jill to see if she would consider being involved and in what capacity?  


·         Section 42 - -

o        To be revisited in February;

o        Released house on list at 1900 block Thompson. No other houses being held are contested.

o        Urban Core project does not include any WCNA homes.


·         1134 Nelson Street

o        Paperwork not yet finalized

o        Developer fee discussion

o        Property taxes not part of 65,600

o        5 year restriction on any resale vs. 15 year restriction (good news).

o        Deed needs to be updated – new owner taking responsibility.

o        New countertop is not installed; paid by WCNA and prepaid contracting work; when ready, Mike will follow up with contractor.  


·         Newsletter – Advertising is allowed as long as ads not targeted to WCNA; items need to be formatted when utilizing E-newsletter.

·         This Old House – no update

·         Tire Dumping around Neighborhood – a person has been identified, citizen called police and police responded.

·         1004 W. Wayne Street – Group Home vacated; no known plans at this time.





·         Zoning Issues

o        Henry’s Restaurant – 15 x 45 on west side of building as an outdoor deck. Attorney for restaurant owners are asking for our support.

§         Board supports; will ask for Association support in January Association Meeting.

§         David to ask what they want as a show of our support, if we support.  Also to determine if there is any plan

o        802 W. Washington Blvd. – Mark Shaw

§         Owner asking for reduction from required 6 spaces to 4 spaces.

§         John to check on ARCH Preservation meeting scheduled January 13th

§         Discussed if there an option for us to make stipulation of parking car next to ARCH carriage house.

·         WCNA Employee – Conflict of Interest

o        Bi-laws state board members cannot be in conflict of interest

o        Should employee resident or non-residents be allowed to vote; verbiage not in bi-laws currently; For next meeting, board members are to review bi-laws and neighborhood plan to determine current wording and understand committee relationships.  

·         Understand Boards interaction & involvement with committees.

o        Advisory committee reporting to Board; and board should review and approve any actions.  Per bi-laws committee should only be working on projects approved by the neighborhood plan.

o        Discussion on whether committee Chairperson should come to Board Meeting to committee report and discuss open items.

o        Add as part of next meeting discussion after review of by-laws and committees.

·         1000 Broadway - Rezoning of Broadway Corridor & St. John buildings

o        In January Planning Committee meeting - Nancy Schoenle as president of Business on Broadway association brought up the effort to rezone (CM3 zoning changed) the Broadway corridor.

o        The Plan committee passed a motion to request the board president come to an upcoming Plan Committee meeting to discuss the board’s position and how it fits into the neighborhood plan.

o        John would like to have letter from Board that we request in writing to the Neighborhood Code that they do not push for demolition.  Motion by Charlotte, for the Board to send letter to Cindy Joiner to oppose demolition of 1000 Broadway buildings; Chris seconded - - vote yes; by majority; no nays.


·         Preservation New Guidelines for Historic District – David Long had 5 copies & handed out to Board Members; also available online. Expanded definitions; no substantial changes.  Additional hard copies are $7/copy.


·         Community Economic Development Demonstration Project in Allen County:

o      General discussion on information received.



Meeting adjourned


Respectfully submitted:



Susan Smethers, Board Secretary

West Central Neighborhood Association