Minutes of August 18, 2008 Meeting






Cindy Joyner of Neighborhood Code was our guest speaker.  Ms. Joyner addressed the upcoming changes to the City’s policy in dealing with abandoned and dilapidated buildings.  Since each area is different, the City plans to work with each area separately. 


The goal is to have an administrative law judge hold hearings on the properties which will involve citizen input.  The process provides a method by which the property is subject to expedited tax sales and an easier method to reclaim the property for future use.


The City will provide a person to rank the houses from 1-5 with 4 and 5 being the worst.  A neighborhood person will accompany the City employee on his or her rounds of the West Central Neighborhood.  One issue will be the value that is placed on an abandoned property.  The neighborhood may have a difference of opinion as to the value the City provides.


Currently, Chapter 152 homes are listed on a city website.


On September 19, 2008, a housing symposium is being held.



·                     Minutes 

o       Minutes from the July meeting were read and approved

·                     Treasurer’s Report

·         accepted

·                     Membership Report – estimated (same as in June and July)

o       45 individuals

o         6 businesses

o         1 organization



·                  Planning Committee

o       Scott Greider spoke on behalf of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church plan to work with the West Central Neighborhood in area 3.




·                  CCW

o       Drug Den ordinance – need to call in potential problems

·                  House Tour

o       We have a sufficient number of volunteers.

o       Tickets are available at several different locations



·                     Expansion of Local Historic District

o       Ready to begin educational portion of project

·                     1134 Nelson Street

o       Need to figure out some way to better distribute info about the house

o       Perhaps use NGOs and charities – they could then distribute to low income families

o       Could also contact Interfaith Transition – Diane/Linda

·                     National Historic District

o       City has received a number of applications which have priority at this time

o       Grants are dispensed during an annual grant cycle

o       Will need a new application – previous app was 1984

o       The railroad tracks may pose a major problem and the state may not approve

o       Thieme Drive is a part of the George Kessler parks and boulevard system, so there will probably be some overlap with the National system

§                     Emmanuel Lutheran Church

·         Scott Greider addressed the work with WCNA CHDO.

·         Goal is to access pre-development funds through the WCNA CHDO funds

·         Emmanuel will check into hiring a firm to work on planning next steps

·         In the next few months, the work will involve using a “BluePrint Plus” model

·         A meeting has been held with West Central churches



·                     Arsonist – arsonist was from West Central area and has been arrested

·                     Dog Bombs – Jody Hemphill-Smith purchased signs to be placed in residents’ yards to remind dog owners to pick up waste after their dogs

o       Motion was made by Tom DeLong to purchase 28 more signs; second by Casi Bromelmeier; motion passed

·                     ARCH House – ARCH house (the Grand Blue Lady) located at 802-804 W. Washington has been sold.

·                     Nominating Committee – will be needed – no volunteers as of yet

·                     Part-time Bookkeeper – discussion about part-time bookkeeper was held with no decision reached

·                     Miscellaneous Issues – stop signs at Wilt and VanBuren; brick street replacement

o       Motion made by L. Codding to send letter to City re: stop signs; seconded and passed



·                     October 10, 2008, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Wellspring and Firefighters are hosting a Chili Supper – will close Lavina


·                     Motion to adjourn was made,  seconded, and passed 


Respectfully submitted



Charlotte A. Weybright, Secretary

West Central Neighborhood Association