Minutes of May 18, 2009, Meeting





·                     Minutes 

o       Minutes from April meeting were read and approved

·                     Treasurer’s Report

o       Approved

·                     Membership Report – no report (numbers from previous meeting)

o       19 seniors -  49 individuals., 6 org., and 11 businesses



·                  Planning Committee

o       Report in investment in West Central – will discuss more in depth after all else is concluded

·                  CCW

o       No report

·                  House Tour

o       Block party suggested between Wayne and Berry

o       Have 5 to 6 homes for sure

o       Broadway Christian is featured church

·                  LHD – Meeting cancelled – try for June

·                  Thieme Drive – J. Stark will be meeting Wednesday night with Bob Kennedy and Dave Ross of the City.



§                  T-Shirts

·         Cream logo – will cost $10.00 each

·         D. Groenert will do – needs at least 6 to do a batch

·         Can drop off at Art Up – Fridays – 12-2

§         1134 Nelson Street

·         Buyer backed out

·         Potential buyer had a couple of stipulations

·         Community Connections is involved

·         Interest in the amount of $163 a month is now adding up


§         Calhoun Street

·         City Council passed resolution to restructure to a 2-way street

·         Calhoun Street merchants are not happy with 2-way proposal

·         City wants to widen street and work to begin at the end of August

·         Will see if proponents and opponents will attend to provide info so that WCNA can make informed decision as to whether to support the widening or oppose the widening

·         Emmanuel Area 3 Housing

·         Project is now too big for Emmanuel and committee believes it is too complicated at this time

·         Emmanuel Task Force met to decide whether or not project will be too big and will step back

·         Scott Greider addresses the issue as follows:

o       City approached Emmanuel and said they were taking over at this point

o       Emmanuel has already put out about $2,000 and would like City to reimburse this expense

o       Will WCNA and its residents have input into the plan?

o       S. Greider makes a motion to request the planning committee to request a full update and provide info to WCNA, L. Codding seconds, motion passes

·         Business on Broadway

·         Family Day at McCullough Park – June 6, 2009, from 2:00-6:30.

·         Need volunteers to work at stations – $25 to have a booth with our own staffing - $50 if BB provides booth and staffing

·         M. Walsh makes a motion to support at $50 – C. Stark seconds, motion passes

·         West Central Housing project discussion

·         H. Hall indicates that the project will require 18 new construction and 15 rehabs

·         Planning commission – Tom Cain provides summary of PC position – see Exhibit #1 attached for summary

·         Questions raised:

o       Involvement of bank – H. Hall used to work for a bank – is it the one involved – no

o       Section 8 could be accepted but would stipulate background checks

o       Cindy Husar asks about buying unsound homes and then tearing them down

o       Can reach 160% of income guidelines and still be acceptable

o       WCNA will interface with City planning and H. Hall

§         Will initially start searching for acceptable sites

§         WCNA will function as a pass-through for federal monies

§         Section 106 reviews may be required of property is considered historic

o       Motion made by T. Cain to go forward and finalize conditions and send letter to City in support of project, second by L. Codding, motion passes (31 for and 7 against)



·         WCNA Yard sale

·         Chris Snepp will organize – to be held June 27, 2009.

·         Swinney Park pool

·         Costs $85,000 a year to operate – needs a grate ($10,000) over drain to protect from drawing children in

·         City states it was going to close next year anyways

·         Nebraska Neighborhood needs to be included

·         Splash parks are an alternative – Moody Park discussed as location for splash park

·      Broadway Srtiping

·         CEDIT request taken to Plan Committee – striping has started

·         Three Rivers Parade Route – not sure yet of route other than it will go through West Central at some point



·                     None



·                     Motion to adjourn was made,  seconded, and passed 



Respectfully submitted



Charlotte A. Weybright, Secretary

West Central Neighborhood Association